Thursday, September 24, 2015

It makes sense poem

WALT entertain the audience
Success Criteria:

  1. I plan for the writing task
  2. I write sentences that make sense
  3. I have colour, taste, smell, look, sound and feel each on a new line.
  4. I use specific words in the poem.
  5. I attempt to write words I don’t know by using my sound/letter knowledge or a dictionary.
  6. I use commas, exclamation marks, capital letters and full stops correctly.
  7. I will present my poem on an A4 paper from the tote tray.  I need to think about making sure the reader will be able read my writing.

                                                   Anger is hot red.
                                           It tastes like spicy red chillies..
                                          It smells like fire burning wood.
                                 Anger looks like bombs exploding on your face.
                                It feels like you are transforming into the hulk.                     
                               It sounds like lions roaring in your head.
                                               Anger stresses me out.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Rollerblade Hockey.

Rollerblade hockey is basically hockey with roller blades on but the difference is that you can golf swing the stick,
You use a puck and not a ball, and the stick doesn't have to be up to your belly button, it has to be up to your chin.
Here is a video.

Animal Band Reader's Theater

Walt performe to an audiience
Success Criteria:
  • speak clearly
  • speak loudly
  • speak with expression
  • speak together as a group

September 4th 2015

Room 12 performed a play called the Animal Band in front of the whole school.
When we did the animal band we did a technique called Reader's Theater which means we did our parts together. 
The characters were the Donkeys, the Roosters, the cats, the Dogs, the robbers, the readers, and the narrators.
One of the characters in each group did the acting except the robbers witch all did the acting.
My character which was also Jacks and Max's was robber 3.  Our line was "We have to get out, let's run into the forest and hide!" with lots of expression of course. 
When we were on stage and the school started pouring in I got nervous, but then I saw some other classmates looking nervous witch made me say to myself I am not the only one that is nervous witch gave me confidence. 
Here are some photos.

Here is a photo in my robber costume.


Here is a photo of my group and my updated  costume.


Rivers are better than Beaches.

WALT persuade other students to agree with our opinion.  This the purpose for my writing.
Success Criteria:
  1. I plan for a writing task
  2. I write a variety of sentence lengths with different sentence starters
  3. Give reasons with detail - use specific words
  4. I write most topic and high frequency words correctly.
  5. I use capital letters, fullstops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly.
  6. Use persuasive language

Rivers are better than beaches

I strongly believe that rivers are better than beaches . Here are three main reasons to support my argument…

One reason is, are that beaches are way more dangerous than rivers. Because there are rips and huge waves but in the river they don’t have them so that makes them more safe to swim in .

Another reason is, there are sea creatures that can hurt you like stingrays, jellyfish and sea urchins which makes it not safe to swim in the sea. plus there have been several reports of people swimming in the ocean and being eaten by sharks, and that's another reason that rivers are safer to swim in.

Finally, if swimming at the beach and suddenly the sand breaks beneath your feat and you could fall into a deep hole and drown, there might be an undertow and it will suck you into the water and out to sea but not when you are in the river.

 yes                                         no      

Beaches are dangerous.

Therefore I believe that rivers are better than beaches.